About me

“There is nothing impossible to those who will try.” I believe you’re only going to be as good as the effort you put in so work hard and strive for greatness!

My Ethos

I am a huge believer that there is a strong connection between physical exercise and mental health. It’s not just about changing training routines - it's also about rewiring bad habits to establish a new ‘normal’ and ensuring that nutritional needs are met in order to achieve real results. My sessions incorporate a variety of effective training methods, from the most advance lifts, such as Olympic Weight Lifting to coordination focused drills on pads.

Through the years, I have continued my professional development with specialist courses and by working with expert coaches to ensure that my workout programs are designed effectively and that my coaching is supported by the latest science. I have not only helped many clients to achieve their varied goals but, more importantly, to exceed their own expectations; from injury rehabilitation and building strength to losing weight and having a healthier body composition.

After experiencing many ups and downs in life as many of us do, fitness was always my anchor that helped me stay strong.

Why Did I Become A Personal Trainer?

I became a coach for one reason.

I wanted to help people live healthier lives than me and my family did.

High blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, high cholesterol, joint problems and arthritis are all issues within my immediate family. I felt like I needed to stand up and be the change.

I qualified as a personal trainer in 2013 after experiencing my own lifestyle change. During this time, I learned that I could make real changes to my overweight appearance through hard work, quite a bit of sweat and, most importantly, consistency. I wanted to learn more and help others along the way.

I believe fitness can change more than just your physical appearance.

Its’s the gateway to improve every part of your life.

Are you ready to be the change?

My Asian upbringing

Growing up in a first generation asian household, my parents kept me in bubble wrap through my upbringing. Now that i’ve grown up I can understand that they were just afraid. It was a huge culture shock for them from their traditions however what they thought was protecting me was creating more damage to my overall well being.

An asian diet mostly consists curries, rice, paratha, samosas, jalebi, varieties of desserts etc… the list goes on and on. It’s not the healthiest food that’s for sure! Factor in no exercise because I was kept indoors to study most of the time and every so often seeing aunts and uncles who feed you to till you won’t fit through the door!

My upbringing was very isolated and had a huge impact on my wellbeing. My interpersonal skills sucked as a result which made it hard to make friends. I’m sure everyone has had their experience with bullies at some point however, this along with all the other things knocking me back, buried my self worth.

The Power Of Movement

Fitness absolutely switched my life around!

After a few months of starting my journey I found myself naturally being more open and able to speak to people. I started to talk to more people in the gym who appeared to be doing well with their fitness, picking their knowledge. Shifting the fat was great, but the boost in my confidence was unbelievable. I wanted to learn more and help others along the way.

Becoming A Dad

Becoming a dad has been one of the hardest, but at the same time most joyful things I have experienced in my life.

The lack of sleep, the nappy changes, the feeding, the vomiting, and when they start crawling you just can’t take your eyes off them! Pile on the fact that my wife went back to work after 5 weeks, with both of us working upwards of 35 hours. Having to juggle both our schedules and trying to fit around our clients schedules also. This was no easy feat. Oh and let us not forget that we also opened our first private personal training studio.

We asked for this life… However, even with all this craziness, seeing my little Freya learn and develop makes it all worth it.

It’s an extremely busy life. I understand what a busy lifestyle really is and I understand the struggles that come with it especially when it comes to your health and fitness.

The problem almost always bottles down to not having a plan in place and being organised. Not only will I create a plan tailored to you and your lifestyle but I will keep you accountable with regular check ins.


I’ve been training with Rimon for over a year and absolutely love our sessions as they are both challenging and motivating. Since we started training together, he has taught me so much about technical strength training and has also pushed my conditioning to a whole new level. Highly recommend Rimon – seriously one of the best PTs in London!

Carl d’souza


  • Personal Trainer Level 3

  • Lower Back Pain Specialist Level 4

  • Precision Nutrition Level 3

  • Advanced Strikepads Coach

  • Muay Thai Instructor

  • Boxing Instructor

  • Advanced Kettlebells Coach

  • British Weightlifting Coach

  • LSSM Massage for Sport Level 3


  • Body Transformation

  • Weight Loss

  • Sport Massage (Soft Tissue Massage Therapy)

  • Body Building

  • Olympic Weight Lifting

  • Strength Training

  • Posture Correction

  • Lower Back Pain Improvement

  • Shoulder Rehab