Group personal training

Spread the cost of personal training amongst friends and family and still have your individual needs accounted for. Small group PT where I allow only a maximum of fo people, so everyone who trains with me isn’t just a number. Private PT can be expensive, and fitness classes in other gyms can feel over populated. I get to know you by your name and work with you on your technique and form to ensure you are doing all exercises correctly in case of any previous or current injuries. All this whilst training within a friendly community environment!


Ultimately, small classes allow our trainers to build a rapport and work closely with you from the very start. Our trainers get to know your individual goals, as well as your strengths and injuries, even in these small group training sessions, because we believe in building and maintaining relationships with our members.

A maximum capacity of 3 people to ensure that our trainers can pay attention to each individual person while still maintaining the hyped atmosphere and excitement that comes from working out in a small group. are also designed to ensure your form and technique are the main focus.